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Selectmen Agenda, August 17, 2010
August 17, 2010
7:00 p.m.
Town Building

Public Input
Chairman’s Comments
Town Administrator’s Report
Meeting Minutes
7:10 p.m. Recreation Commission appointment
Lower Village traffic/pedestrian safety RFP
Priorities review
Potential Standard Operating Procedures topics
Public Hearing
8:00 p.m. Hours of Sunday liquor sales for On-premises Licensees
Liaison Reports, if any
Posted 8/12/10
Comcast Semiannual payment for cable TV license ($18,356.70), rec’d 7/30
CC of Minuteman Regional FY2011 assessments to member towns, rec’d 7/30
CC of Light Pollution Study Committee memo on Town Building crosswalk lighting, rec’d 7/30
MassHighway storm damage inspection of Box Mill Rd bridge over Elizabeth Brook, rec’d 8/2
CC of Lower Village Committee memo to Public Safety on reducing speed, rec’d 8/2
ZBA request for input on Stow Elderly Housing Corp permit application for Plantation II apartments, rec’d 8/3
CC of SEHC letters to DHCD and HUD re abutter’s input to same, rec’d 8/3
Email on Boxborough Deer Study Committee, rec’d 8/5
Emails from Lake Boon Commission re Aug 17 Selectmen’s meeting on drawdown, rec’d 8/5-8/6
CC of amended Wetland Protection Act Order of Conditions re elementary school project, rec’d 8/6
Disclosure of Appearance of Conflict of Interest by Selectman, rec’d 8/6
Notice of new legislation on CORI checks and job applications, rec’d 8/9
CCs of SEHC letters to ZBA re engineering and legal matters, rec’d 8/9
Email from Acton Selectman/ARRT liaison on MPO TIP, rec’d 8/10
Email from Villages at Stow resident re safety concerns, rec’d 8/11
Building Permits Report for July, rec’d 8/11
CC of Planning Board letter to legislators re Senate Bill 2482 on land use, rec’d 8/11
ZBA notice of decisions for 103 Kingland and 120 Barton roads, rec’d 8/12
Letter of interest in Historical Commission, rec’d 8/12
Disclosure of Financial Interest by Special Municipal Employee, rec’d 8/12
Verizon quarterly payment for cable TV license ($4,727.99), rec’d 8/12
DCR request to participate in survey on zoning of DCR lands, 9/3/ deadline, rec’d 7/30
Comcast notice of service changes, rec’d 8/2
Notice of Sep 7 MBTA Advisory Board meeting, rec’d 8/4
City of Lowell letter to cites and towns re home rule petitions on healthcare costs, rec’d 8/4
Comcast notice of service changes, rec’d 8/9
Request from United Nations Assn of Great Boston to recognize UN’s 65th anniversary, rec’d 8/10
Foundation for Metrowest 2009 Annual Report, rec’d 8/12